How to Play the Game


Welcome to the "Game of Trees and Graphs"! This game is designed to introduce you to basic concepts of graph theory while having fun. You'll enhance your logical thinking and learn about combinations as you play.

Getting Started

Grab a pen and paper to begin. First, draw several dots (we call these vertices) and enumerate them. Keep it simple. Once done, add line segments connecting the vertices (we call these edges). Your drawing will resemble a graph.

Placeholder for an image of a simple graph

Understanding Graph Components

A graph consists of connected components. For example, a graph with two separate groups of vertices is said to have two connected components. Vertices in the same connected component can be reached through edges, while vertices in different components cannot.

Placeholder for an image showing connected components

What Are Trees?

A tree is a special type of graph with one connected component and no cycles. Cycles occur when you can start from one vertex, travel through a sequence of edges, and return to the starting vertex without retracing your steps.

Placeholder for an image of a tree graph

Paths in a Graph

A path is a sequence of vertices connected by edges, where no vertex is repeated. For example, in a tree graph, the path 1 → 2 → 3 → 7 → 6 has a length of 4, as it crosses four edges. Paths have different lengths, and the game involves identifying paths of various lengths.

Placeholder for an image showing a path in a graph

The Game

The game challenges you to reconstruct trees from given path-length vectors. Each vector represents the number of paths of specific lengths in the tree. For example, the vector {7, 6, 6, 6, 2} corresponds to a tree with 7 paths of length 0, 6 paths of length 1, and so on.

Placeholder for an image of a tree with a path-length vector

How to Play

Learning Outcomes

By playing this game, you'll gain a hands-on understanding of: